Intake for firing your work and what to expect

Intake area:

Your piece has to be bone dry, before it is placed in the intake area.  The thicker the work, the more time it will require.  Once your work is thoroughly dried, place it in the intake area of the studio.

If your work is not dry and ready to be fired when it is placed on the shelf, excess moisture could cause it to explode or crack. Please consider your fellow students. While you may be in a rush, there could be consequences to others’ work. 

Firing of Your Piece

Clayworks staff will load and fire your work.  It is fired at a low temperature.

Though bisque firings occur regularly, please allow 2-3 weeks for the bisque firing process. As it is important that the kilns be full, the frequency of bisque firings vary according to the amount of work being produced.

·        If your work is large or odd-sized, please expect to wait longer.

·        If you want to refire a piece. You must submit it to intake and pay for the additional firing.

Picking Up Your Work

Once the work is bisque fired, it will be placed on the bisque shelves.  The day it comes out of the kiln it is stamped with the date. You have one month from that date to glaze your work. The more you follow through with finishing your piece, the more often firings can occur.  

 Please collect your work in a timely fashion, as the bisque shelves fill very quickly. The more work that collects on them, the more difficult it will be to find your work, and for others to find their work.   

 In order to ensure there is adequate space for all students in the Clayworks community, bisque work will be kept on the shelf for 30 days then items will be thrown away. This is monitored by a date stamp on the bottom of each piece as it comes out of the bisque kiln.